Monday, August 2, 2010

Thoughts: Living an external life

Let me just say first, that since using Chrome on my lovely little netbook for five months (let's call him Quintin - Quinn for short), it's been hard getting back to Firefox. I now use Chrome on my bigger laptop (Herbert, I think - Herbie for short) most of the time, and sometimes use Firefox. When I do use Firefox, I realize that I miss it, but really, Chrome is faster. Sigh. And thus ends my #firstworldproblem of the day.

I was reading an article from the New York Times ("I Tweet Therefore I Am" by Peggy Orenstein) that at first I disregarded, but have been pondering for a few days. Her take that she was so focused on writing the best tweet, or to distilling her everyday activities into concise, shareable sentences, that she was losing some part of living. Me, I try not to tweet too many "personal" notations - I try not to narrate my life on my twitter and share other things, but I'm also on many other "social networks" that I deliberately edit my interests and myself accordingly. I feel too edited now.

I saw someone mention on Tumblr that the thing they like most about John Mayer is that he's honest. And it's true. He says things you don't agree with - he seems to have the most mish-mash of interests - but he's honest about them. I have a hard time with that sometimes. I will turn off my audio scrobbler if I am listening to an artist deemed uncool for various reasons for a long amount of time. This whole judgmental atmosphere disheartens me, but I buy into it too. Vicious cycle. Being me feels harder now than a few years ago for some reason.

I should just throw caution to the wind and let the judgments fall as they will.

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